Product Description
STEP 4 – WINTERIZER – ROOT MAXIMIZER                                           P/N: 14040
The Andersons Turf Products 46-0-0 Fertilizer Winterizer
50 lb bag covers 8,000-15,000 sq ft.
The final and the most important application for cool-season grass. This application will strengthen roots for early spring green-up and healthier turf.  It can only be applied in temperatures of 45 degrees and below. Targeted to be applied near the last mowing of the season. This product is a 100% quick release. Feeds 1.5 lbs to 2 lbs of N/1,000 sqft. This application packs a punch to build you bigger and better roots to help your cool-season grass fend off the heat and drought of the next year’s summer. Also watch your grass come out of dormancy quicker, stronger, thicker, and greener in the spring.
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